Through a comprehensive manual therapy examination, one or more hypotheses are made about the possible causes of the restriction or disorder. During the examination the type and localisation of the problem are recorded. This can concern the joints, the nerves, the muscles or the function of the area.


Manual therapy specialises in the examination and treatment of limitations and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

After each treatment, the manual therapist makes a re-diagnosis, sometimes even after specific, individual techniques. This allows the manual therapist to permanently check the treatment and, if necessary, to adjust and modify the treatment.

These hypotheses then form the basis for targeted treatment, which uses specific joint techniques on the extremities and spine, as well as medical training therapy, in addition to standard physiotherapeutic measures.


The patients are not only treated according to their structures, but also life habits (such as everyday life, job, hobby, and sport) are included based on the restriction.

Comparative studies have shown the effectiveness of manual therapy compared to other methods (back therapy training, exercise therapy, etc.).

With the help of manual therapy, problems, complaints and limitations can be better and more accurately recognised and treated faster accordingly as well as more effectively.

PATIENTS WHO WERE TREATED WITH MANUAL THERAPEUTIC TREATMENT WERE LESS likely to suffer from painful tension in the long term.

Manual therapists examine the spine and extremities for blockages and painful tension. Special hand movements are used to relieve movement restrictions as far as possible and to alleviate pain.


In consultation with the patient, we formulate the goals of the treatment (e.g. functional improvement, rehabilitation, pain relief, progressive overload).


Based on the doctor's diagnosis, we make a physiotherapeutic assessment (including anamnesis and examination) and draw up an individual therapy plan.



Important in this context is the understanding of pain and pain mechanisms, especially in chronic complaints. Our specialisation allows us to choose therapy measures together with the patient and client in such a way that they are problem-solving and efficient.

In this context, both the method, which is based on scientific principles, and clinical experience are decisive.

The treatment programme is supplemented by muscle stretches, nerve mobilisations, stability exercises as well as posture and behavioural information.

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